Monday, March 3, 2025

Pop Fantasy or Popular Fantasy

If generic means a work of art that is typical of a genre, where genre means a style or category of storytelling, then consider the following:

Fiction may be considered fantasy or a subgenre thereof when it has ANY supernatural stuff present (example Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Once you define the limitations of the supernatural stuff, the rest is assumed to be similar to our real world as a point of reference.

Another way to think about it is Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction where we take an idea, such as "what if there were magic kings on Earth," and we speculate on the idea in story form.

Given the above, the scope of Fantasy as a genre is very, very broad. Generic Fantasy is oxymoronic. I think what one might intend when they say generic fantasy is what the perceive to be popularly consumed by a casual audience, or a core audience. So, pop-fantasy is probably a better term. Pleb or Plebeian Fantasy or Pedestrian Fantasy if you wanted to be de derogatory.

But this is still not clear enough because I don't know what you think is pop fantasy, and I don't expect you to know what I think is pop fantasy.

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