Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Patriarchy Conspiracy

If you aren't aware, today's feminists have created their own mythology complete with a villain - Men. Yeah, I don't get it either. It's not just some strange quirk of human society that different social groups have their own disadvantages, no, there is actually a conspiracy by men to subjugate women because men are sadistic and like to mistreat women. It's absurd to think that two thousand years of history are built and continue to operate on the function of men believing they're superior and therefore have some inherent dominion over women which they choose to use by subjugation and objectification of women. I'm insulted; I have been called both stupid and cruel. If I owned all women and if I am as cruel as I have been alleged to be, I think I could come up with something more clever than to have women cook and clean for me all the while psychologically abusing them by brutally crushing their sense of self-worth, their self-identity, their passion, and their creativity. This is not The Matrix. Fuck you assholes so much.

This concept of The Patriarchy as some evil, woman hating machine is laughable for another reason: Sexism is quickly failing. If our society was really this hyper-sophisticated evil Patriarchy, do you really think that women's suffrage would have made any progress or are you prepared to suggest it's success as some illusion permitted or even orchestrated by the Patriarchy as a means to continue to oppress women in a modern age under the guise of sexual equality - You're equal now, but you're still inferior to us and therefore to be treated as such. This is a conspiracy theory and it's got as many holes in it as any other conspiracy theory.