Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sexual Discrimination Against Men

I wonder how many of you will be able to understand this because I really think some of you out there really are some of the rock-stupidest bastards and we'd only make the world a better place by taking you out back and having you shot.

The most prevalent form of sexual discrimination against men is an overall mentality that men are supposed to behave a certain way because of their gender or else their validity as people is called into question. This nonsense usually comes from other men. When a man challenges the accepted behavior, society attempts to correct this by telling them "man up," "grow a pair," "be a man," "aren't you a man?" and etc. I believe it's been some time since we decided it's a douche-y thing to do to try to control the behavior of girls and women by suggesting that something is not very lady-like.

I've heard people say they can't respect a man after seeing him cry. That's sexist.

I remember the abundance of "anything you can do..." themed everything in the 90's which paired female and male counterparts and showing them as having the same right and being proper to be a something, usually athletes. I've never seen the commercial where men got to wear dresses, skirts, kilts, or the color pink, or where men got to get away with carrying purses or wearing fanny packs, throw baby showers, have spa days, etc. To this day, I have encountered men who still use bar soap because body wash is for women.

There are things you can't do as a heterosexual man. I imagine homosexual men will be the ones to do all the firsts and overtime it will just become acceptable for the rest of us. I could seriously go for a massage and some manscaping here.

Like I said earlier, this garbage usually comes from men. Usually. They're usually the ones who are asshole enough to say it out loud or demonstrate the attitude or make it a thing of pride, but women do it too. Here's my question: Why? Maybe the sight of a man crying or the emotional response it invokes is actually disgusting and that's our nature. Maybe we give off a chemical signal that says we need to be thinned from the herd? If so, let's see your data. Otherwise, you're a douche for thinking it and you're a douche for saying it.

I suspect this is just some socio-cultural behavior we've yet to outgrow from our days as cave-man. If you were alive in the dark ages and you were a man, you had to be a man. That was your roll. You were probably better off for being a man while you were a man too. If you weren't, you were cowardly and weak, you wouldn't be accepted, you were shameful, disgraceful, you'd be the victim of bigger, stronger men, and you'd go without. The unsophisticated mind works like this: If you have a penis, you do this. If you have a vagina, you do that. You can't do that with a penis and you can't do this with a vagina. Those are the rules. Fuck you.

I'm confident this mentality will erode in my lifetime. 
Also I think sports are boring.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I have Invented a New Term: "The Psychopath's Lazy Disguise"

So you're walking along when you see someone wearing a sweater-vest and you assume, "hey, this guy's wearing a sweater-vest, I bet he's a nice guy. Why don't I shoot the breeze?" It's really more the rule than the exception: People who dress like twats are bastards. They put on an outfit that says "good old fashioned Christian/American values" like a vest, plaid pants and loafers, but it's really the psychopaths' lazy disguise. They figure no one will suspect they're really an asshole if they dress like Peter Parker.

So how do you tell a dork from the lazy psycho? It's actually really simple, just observe the way they walk. Dorks walk with their chin tucked down, their eyes low with slumped shoulders and a hunch back. Psychopaths walk the way William Shatner probably walks.

Now, you should be aware, there are Confident Dorks. Confident Dorks are smart people who are a little unhappy because they don't identify with their culture, so they might have a flare for waving their IQ around like it's their dick via sarcasm, smart ass responses, or dark humor, but deep down most dorks are like Bill Nye's surface. The difference between a Confident Dork and a Lazy Psychopath is that even the most confident dork will never be slick. There will always be something odd about their posture, gate, body language, etc. that a Psychopath will lack.

Anyway, the point is don't assume that men in sweater vests don't also own an outfit consisting of a bikini, a ski-mask, and a good pair of running sneakers.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Politicians Should be Psyche Screened

In an episode of Through the Wormhole, there is an episode called "Can We Eliminate Evil?" which shows that our darker side is a natural part of the Human Condition and is relevant to all individuals. It also says Psychopaths, people afflicted with Psychopathic Personality Disorder which is a psychological condition characterized by sadism, are highly functional members of our society and they are attracted to careers that give them power. According to the episode, scientists estimate that 3% of the worlds' population are Psychopaths. I fear that if there are that many crazies in the world, then there must be a significant number of them in some position of power somewhere, such as congress.

Psychopathy is just one of the many personality disorders that go unrecognized everyday. You yourself may know a Psycho, a Sociopath, a Narcissist, or someone with Anti-Personality Disorder or Histrionic Personality Disorder. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that someone like Bill O'Reilly was one of these people.

It was the pop culture reference of my childhood: "Don't mess with the crazies, it ain't right. You shouldn't mess with the crazies." I think it's time we do, but not in your personal life because that's an empty and possibly dangerous endeavor. Everyone in a position of power should be psych screened for a personality disorder that makes them destructive people. Everyone from cops to the U.S. President. It should be a prerequisite for all candidates of political offices to have a health psyche. I believe this will go a long way to solving the worlds' problems; filtering out the crazies and restricting them from power. Psychologically healthy people will use that power for the greater good as they see it. Psychologically unhealthy people can't be expected to.

Planet Earth, test your politicians for personality disorders!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Predicting the Future: Waiting Out Crummier Generations

I'm waiting out the old people. When the old people who are running the joint die and power is passed onto my generation, we'll see some real turn around. I'm predicting we'll have federal laws legalizing marijuana by 2033. Go team god! Yay!