Saturday, December 24, 2016

How Would You "Wouldn't Be Caught Dead?"

How would you like your corpse to be discovered if you were murdered by some coward and scoundrel in your own home? Would you like to be found wearing dirty clothes, having messy hair, with empty soda cans and dirty tissues all around you? You would like your dignity intact, I suspect. I've recently been pondering the meaning of the phrase "I wouldn't be caught dead..." I think it was once upon a time used as a rule of thumb for helping gentlemen and ladies make decisions and also became a very heavy handed way to dismiss certain unwanted ideas without the bother of explaining why. Dignity and honor can be lost posthumously and there could be consequences for friends or family if you're found choking yourself with your dick out while a dominatrix is passed out from cocaine with he face planted in your evacuated bowels and sad Celine Dion plays and you;re both wearing party hats and fake pointed Spock ears. You would shame your family, I think. Although most people probably wouldn't care in this day and age because we have a much stronger sense of individuality and our deeds are no longer  reflecting on the family.