Monday, September 30, 2019

What Would You Name a Meteor?

If you discovered a meteor, what would you call it? I would pick a name you couldn't use in front of kids, like Planet Fucker. Here is a list of names I would give a meteor:
Goddamn Piece of Shit
Mega Mother Fucker
Fist of God
Testicle of Doom
Dragon Hammer
There Asteroid Formerly Known As Douche Bag
Big Bag of Dicks
Space's Concentrated Anger
The Meteor Named The Fuck Earth Meteor
The Fuck Earth Meteor
Holy Fucking Shit
"I can't believe it's not butter" Meteor
At least we won't feel it
You have space's permission to die
Space Aids
Death by space-debris
Death from above
Cosmic Derp
Space Rocky
Balboa 2: electric boogaloo
Doomsday: Form of a rock
Wondertwin powers activate: shape of a rock
Superman! Help!
No, God please!
Bullets from God.
Space Is Pissed
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200
Blue Screen of Death IRL
Tko or gtfo
You ain't even dust
Space Bastard
Check out deez ballz
Next time on dragon ball z
Should have banged more hoes
Planets are gay.
Proof that life is not special
Danger: Falling Rocks
Orgasms then Cataclysms
Why So Serious?
Shit man, that's a lot of fuck
Killed your buzz
This is gonna hurt
Kiss your ass goodbye
Hella fucked
Apicalypse Jr.
Ragnarok Jr.
Death with a chance of fuuuuuuuuu
Whoop there it is.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

American Independence was an Act of Treason

It has occurred to me today that American Independence was an act of treason. There were some net gains for the planet and the species I supposed, but treason is still treason. :)