Monday, April 26, 2021

How to screw your players (say these lines while making funny faces and voices)

1. You have to taste the potion to identify it.
2. An ancient red dragon appears. Roll initiative.
3. You hear the laughter of at least 50 goblins outside the torch light. What do you do?
4. Energy Drain.
5. The DC is 25.
6. Save vs Poison or die.
7. You're encumbered.
8. The sick man coughs in your face. Make a CON save.
9. Your pockets feel a bit lighter. Make an investigation check.
10. Fumble tables.
11. The green slime corrodes through your magic plate armor. You now have -1 AC.
12. You see an old one. Make a wisdom save against madness, please.
13. The banshee screams. Save or die.
14. You didn't say you avert your eyes from the basilisk.
15. Your horse takes damage. Make an animal handling check.
16. Rocks fall. Everybody dies.
17. 11 AC Cursed Armor.
18. Yeah, you have to pour holy water out onto incorporeal undead.
19. Go ahead an make a ranged attack into melee.
20. You see a ghost. Save vs fear.
21. That was a Rot Grub.
22. Invisible Stalker.
23. Sorry, the reaction roll for this NPC was a nat 1.
24. The fighter and the wizard are both charmed.
25. Death Knights can cast Fireball.
26. The villagers apparently didn't know there was a difference between a goblin an an ogre.
27. They served you brains.
28. The Nightmare Poison caused you vivid nightmares. You could not complete a long rest.
29. You're bucked off your horse and you tumble over the edge of a cliff.

30. Poison Gas starts filling the room.
31. Roll a DEX saving throw for your backpack full of Alchemist Fire and Acid.
32. Your burning flask of Oil misses. Roll on the grenade weapon miss table.
33. You successfully stealthed passed every enemy except one.
34. Out of place monster.
35. Spellbooks aren't waterproof.
36. Your backpack has a hole in it.
37. Someone stole your boots.
38. That must have been a false rumor.
39. There are no places to hide.
40. Skeletons resist piercing and slashing damage.
41. Zombies resist bludgeoning and piercing damage.
42. A lot of monsters have resistance to fire.
43. You can't activate this magic weapon in a zone of silence.
44. Effects from the same spell don't stack.
45. The tithe is 35%.
46. Ability damage.
47. Congratulations, you serve a Beholder now.
48. It's a coven of hags.
49. Yes, Paladins under mind control can break their oaths.
50. That was a portal to Hell.