Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sexual Discrimination Against Men

I wonder how many of you will be able to understand this because I really think some of you out there really are some of the rock-stupidest bastards and we'd only make the world a better place by taking you out back and having you shot.

The most prevalent form of sexual discrimination against men is an overall mentality that men are supposed to behave a certain way because of their gender or else their validity as people is called into question. This nonsense usually comes from other men. When a man challenges the accepted behavior, society attempts to correct this by telling them "man up," "grow a pair," "be a man," "aren't you a man?" and etc. I believe it's been some time since we decided it's a douche-y thing to do to try to control the behavior of girls and women by suggesting that something is not very lady-like.

I've heard people say they can't respect a man after seeing him cry. That's sexist.

I remember the abundance of "anything you can do..." themed everything in the 90's which paired female and male counterparts and showing them as having the same right and being proper to be a something, usually athletes. I've never seen the commercial where men got to wear dresses, skirts, kilts, or the color pink, or where men got to get away with carrying purses or wearing fanny packs, throw baby showers, have spa days, etc. To this day, I have encountered men who still use bar soap because body wash is for women.

There are things you can't do as a heterosexual man. I imagine homosexual men will be the ones to do all the firsts and overtime it will just become acceptable for the rest of us. I could seriously go for a massage and some manscaping here.

Like I said earlier, this garbage usually comes from men. Usually. They're usually the ones who are asshole enough to say it out loud or demonstrate the attitude or make it a thing of pride, but women do it too. Here's my question: Why? Maybe the sight of a man crying or the emotional response it invokes is actually disgusting and that's our nature. Maybe we give off a chemical signal that says we need to be thinned from the herd? If so, let's see your data. Otherwise, you're a douche for thinking it and you're a douche for saying it.

I suspect this is just some socio-cultural behavior we've yet to outgrow from our days as cave-man. If you were alive in the dark ages and you were a man, you had to be a man. That was your roll. You were probably better off for being a man while you were a man too. If you weren't, you were cowardly and weak, you wouldn't be accepted, you were shameful, disgraceful, you'd be the victim of bigger, stronger men, and you'd go without. The unsophisticated mind works like this: If you have a penis, you do this. If you have a vagina, you do that. You can't do that with a penis and you can't do this with a vagina. Those are the rules. Fuck you.

I'm confident this mentality will erode in my lifetime. 
Also I think sports are boring.

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