Sunday, May 5, 2013

Politicians Should be Psyche Screened

In an episode of Through the Wormhole, there is an episode called "Can We Eliminate Evil?" which shows that our darker side is a natural part of the Human Condition and is relevant to all individuals. It also says Psychopaths, people afflicted with Psychopathic Personality Disorder which is a psychological condition characterized by sadism, are highly functional members of our society and they are attracted to careers that give them power. According to the episode, scientists estimate that 3% of the worlds' population are Psychopaths. I fear that if there are that many crazies in the world, then there must be a significant number of them in some position of power somewhere, such as congress.

Psychopathy is just one of the many personality disorders that go unrecognized everyday. You yourself may know a Psycho, a Sociopath, a Narcissist, or someone with Anti-Personality Disorder or Histrionic Personality Disorder. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that someone like Bill O'Reilly was one of these people.

It was the pop culture reference of my childhood: "Don't mess with the crazies, it ain't right. You shouldn't mess with the crazies." I think it's time we do, but not in your personal life because that's an empty and possibly dangerous endeavor. Everyone in a position of power should be psych screened for a personality disorder that makes them destructive people. Everyone from cops to the U.S. President. It should be a prerequisite for all candidates of political offices to have a health psyche. I believe this will go a long way to solving the worlds' problems; filtering out the crazies and restricting them from power. Psychologically healthy people will use that power for the greater good as they see it. Psychologically unhealthy people can't be expected to.

Planet Earth, test your politicians for personality disorders!

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