Sunday, May 4, 2014

$1000 Naked Shopping Spree

I just had an idea for a reality game show. Yeah, I know, I'm scum, right? It's a show where we give people $1,000 shopping sprees and make them do the spree naked. There is actually no intellectual value whatsoever, and it's not even real porn. Also, this show might be discriminating against the non-photogeneic, which is sad.

First you get a store.
Second, you get tons of cameras. Low angle shots are fair game.
Third, you get people who are willing to run naked through said store for 10 minutes completely naked on TV or the internet. Make them do a naked interview where you ask them what kind of stuff they might want before their spree. After each spree, there will be some kind of follow up interview where you look at all the stuff they got and ask them about it.

If you've seen the kind of porn that comes out of Japan, you know there's already  a culture where we can totally pull this off. If not, parts of Europe will probably be very OK with it. You know what, 30 minutes of this is probably not stimulating and unsatisfying, so suppose we condense it to 2 minutes and air it for 1 commercial break per program (obviously, this is an idea to implement for a porn themed TV channel). Then offer viewers the the opportunity to watch all our full sprees on the internet.

Or just put the show on the internet. Whateves.

If they finish without spending all the money, the remainder goes to a charity that either the contestant or the shows sponsor picks (ha, we're awesome!). If they go over $1,000, there's a penalty where they have to do a silly 1 minute dance before they're allowed to get dressed and obviously they don't get to keep any of the merchandise they picked after hitting $1,000.

If there's is any redeeming value to this beside being junk food for the brain, we might make a psychological discovery about the differences in purchasing decisions people make when they're clothed and when they're naked and have a thousand dollars of somebody elses money to burn.

Addendum: 2 minutes after original post.
There's already something vaguely similar to this out there and not as good as this idea. 

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