Saturday, October 24, 2015

Depression is a Bitch

When I was a kid I used to play legos, video games, watch TV, and for no reason I would feel really really sad all the sudden and I would just go to sleep even in the middle of the day. I didn't want to do anything ever. It was scary. My mom told me it was going to be like that till I got married and that I was gonna need to learn to deal with it. I learned to force myself to do what I was supposed to do and to distract myself. My mom told me if I didn't the pain in my stomach would make a hole, an actual hole, and I was gonna need surgery. So I tried really hard to get my mind off reality. I learned that time makes things better and if I wait it out it gets better. That's been the best thing ever to help me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that, in a round about way, her shitty advice was able to help you. But really? She should have been helping you see a mental health professional. Even just having someone there who will listen and try to understand you is so important for everyone.
