Monday, March 26, 2018

Gun Control is a Red Herring

     There is no problem with weapons. The problem is with violence. Violence is the nature of the beast, so to speak. Violence is a part of human nature and a part of life. It's inevitable. Violence is already outlawed in most forms. The only legal forms of violence I can think of are self-defense and use of force by police (which is a whole other issue). Safety is an illusion. You will never be absolutely safe.
     To reiterate, there is no problem with weapons. That is a red herring. Some people seem to think that if you make weapons go away, you can make the world a safer, less violent place. How do you propose to demonstrate this? Outlaws don't care about laws, that's why they're called outlaws. If you restrict weapons, that's not going to stop, however much it may inconvenience, outlaws from getting guns. Someone who wants to kill someone bad enough will work it out. Where there's a will there's a way. You could walk into a school with a collection of dishes, smash them on the ground, find a nice big wedge shaped bit and there you have a weapon. At the end of the day, what do you think will stop the bad guy with a weapon? The answer is a good guy with a weapon. This is usually a cop or a some other good Samaritan with a carry permit.
     Violence is already forbidden by law. Passing laws on tools and machines to restrict potential violence is redundant and retarded. The problem is not with the weapons, it's with the people. The psychology is harder to understand than the gun, but the fact is guns don't make the decisions. You can't make violence go away by banning guns. You can however make the violence go away. That's far off and away but I a certain humankind will get there. In the meantime, please don't surrender your liberties, even ones you find silly, it will only be a vain gesture or token of idealism and good will.
     I can hear you plea "but something has to be done!" You're right but ineffectual. From my point of view, a solution with some promise is more guns. Our culture is still so primitive that we don't have a third solution. Maybe there is no third solution? Respond to violence with violence or respond to violence with no violence. Idealists have been working on this one since forever. I think it's naive of you to think you have the solution. Be like me, a pragmatist. Shoot to protect.

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