Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Desegregate Bathrooms

Why do we have segregated bathrooms? The history of it goes something like this:

Early 1900's women: want to join the workforce
Early 1900's men: women's place is in the home.
Early 1900's women: join workforce anyway
Early 1900's men: makes separate potty rooms so that women feel like they don't belong

Ladies and gentleman and those unspecified, the really real reason why we started separate bathrooms is because men wanted a barrier for women to maintain the pretense that men and women are different and therefore should be treated differently. The reason why we still have segregated bathrooms is because of building codes. Womp womp. If people are decent, why can't we pee and poo in the same room? The only reasons why you would continue to want desegregaged bathrooms is because you have weird, prudish puritanical or traditional or conservative beliefs based on values rather than reason.

If we desegregaged bathrooms, that would make one of the problems of people who identify as nongendered or trans irrelevant. Not that I care about the plight of complete strangers or ideology or whatever. I just think segregated bathrooms are dumb.

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