Tuesday, August 28, 2012

There Will Never Be a FFVII Remake Because Enix is Run by Chumps

Someone left a comment on a Youtube video of mine asking about a remake for Final Fantasy 7, not as if I'd know. Actually, I did know. I'd read an interview by the guy in charge of Enix. He said there won't be a remake of FFVII until the company produces an RPG that surpasses the success of FFVII. When I read that line, 2 thoughts occurred. 1) You will never make an RPG better that FFVII. Not that FFVII is that great, but compared to your crummy games, FFVII is in it's own league. 2) Lol!

Let's talk about that comment some more. They will not remake FF7 until they can produce an RPG game that surpasses the success of FF7. Talk about catching your white whale. FF7 was most likely a fluke! Actually, it was something of a phenomenon. It's sales set records. It made the RPG genre accessible to people who didn't even play RPGs. It set standards for the industry. You can't do that on purpose. That was an accident, people! You can't set your expectations that high. It's unrealistic. Anyone in touch with a creative field will tell you that. There's no formula for a phenomenon. Look at the Ninja Turtles. That was intended to be a goddamn joke! You can't go into something expecting it to stir the hearts and minds of entire cultures and generations! You're incompetence has just lapped Dubbya's.

 I do not believe in this concept of "Loyalty to the Fans" in the same vein that most others seem to, but right now, RPGs are really hurting. I haven't seen an RPG I liked in ~10 years (deja vu anyone?). Remake Final Fantasy VII and maybe you'll learn a thing or two about making a good RPG. Maybe you should get back to basics. Go back to the roots of the franchise instead of whatever the hell it is your doing. Talk to fans. Hear their thoughts. Here's mine: Don't touch FFVII. You're not skilled enough. You'll commit rule 34 all over it.

I have a sick fantasy, if you'll indulge me for a second. I'd like to make a trip to Japan and key all the cars in Enix's parking lot.

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