Monday, March 3, 2014

I'm Pro-Suicide, Pro-Euthanasia, Pro-Abortion, Anti-Murder

I think my country has it backwards. We murder here. There's execution, war, and other means of justifiable homicide, like when civilians murder dangerous intruders out of self defense or when the police must resort to lethal force. So like I said, we murder here, but we seem to like to think about murder like it's an absolute wrong; We are after all, a largely christian country. We imprison people for murder, and then we murder them (sometimes), and that's hypocrisy.

Then there's the other kinds of murder we don't like. This is why my country does it ass-backwards (insert funny picture of someone with a big ass going in reverse).

Suicide: If someone doesn't have the right to kill themselves, then do they really own themselves? If you want to die, that's your choice, isn't it? I've never been suicidal, but I've had thoughts of suicide. Sure, it's tragic, and a lot of people live through it and find something worth living for again. Some people don't find happiness again. It's your life and you should have the right to die. We have the right to life, but not death?

Euthanasia: Same thing as suicide really, but the circumstances are different. In this case, someone wants to die but is unable to do it themselves. Maybe they have no arms or legs? Whatever the case, they still must have the right to die, and there are people who would help them and be happy with it.

Abortion: If you call it pro-choice or terminate a pregnancy or whatever, and not calling it what it is, you're engaging in what George Carlin calls bullshit and you're deluding yourselves. It's a euphemism you use to make yourself feel better about the subject, and by using it you are also unwittingly (points used for very apt use of unwittingly)  admitting to negative, dark, and ugly connotations, denotations or implications of the subject matter despite the good feelings you get from championing it as "a cause" for pro-choice or women's rights. You're a coward and you suck. I'm pro-abortion. Let this mostly irrelevant rant supplement an actual argument because you can find those everywhere.

Murder: You know what we should do? We as a society? We should stop looking at the subject of murder as a negative thing and take it case by case. Murder is taking someones' right to life without their consent. It's a violation of another persons' natural rights (the rights bestowed upon you by nature, an absurd concept actually). What justifies this? On a side note, none of us consented to life when we were conceived or born; it was forced on us.

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