Monday, March 3, 2014

Astronauts are not Heroes

Hero being relative, you first space explorers and you current space explorers are not my heroes. You may be heroes to someone else, and I can respect that, but I think fourth dimensionally. As I see it, the potential of this species has always included space, and so, it was going to happen anyway, which ultimately makes the space age completely mundane. Sure, it's exciting when your baby takes its' first steps, but that's nothing worth creating a holiday over. It was going to happen, anyway.

You, the first astronauts and all your successors, were just the right jerks at the right time. Sure you have to bust your ass to get into space, but I think what it ultimately comes down to is random chance, which I've explained in a previous article called "Pride is Bullshit." Don't confuse the actions and accomplishments that you've carried out as yours and as special cases independent from the rest of the species. This species was either able to go into space or it wasn't, and given the current cultural level of the species, the pool of candidates has a lot of superstitiousness, laziness, selfishness, ignorance, and saturated fats. Is it really something special to say that you were selected, given the competition? Congratulations, you're not so shitty, want a medal? Why sure, we'll have one waiting for you once you get back from your big, fancy rocket trip.

And I acknowledge that going into space has had everything to do with the world as it is now and on me. Technology, art, even jokes about your anus. If it didn't happen, Earth may even be so different that I may not have been born. Who knows? That's not a shock to me, that's causality, which is also boring to watch. I know, it takes a lot to impress me. I'm such an asshole.

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