Saturday, October 12, 2013

Do Not Support the FCC

I do not support the FCC. I believe it is an unconstitutional entity because it is an abridgment of our freedom of speech. To hide a penis or a breast is more offensive than the image of a penis or a breast. The idea is control, which is folly. Some of the most "distasteful" sights and sounds exist in nature, in the real world, and in our flawed, human society. To hide it or cover it up because it's something distasteful, shameful, or wrong says all kinds of screwed up things about our collective psychology. First off, you're not giving people enough credit when you hide things. You're saying they're too weak or stupid to handle truth. Either that or you're suggesting that there's some inherent benevolence in doing the kindness of keeping us from things that are vulgar and indecent whether we like it or not. Second, you're blatantly filtering reality. It makes us blissfully and arrogantly ignorant of the suffering that much of the impoverished world endures day to day. It's arrogant because we choose to ignore it because it's beneath us to acknowledge it. It makes us naive to the harshness of the world. Art and entertainment should challenge us; it should challenge our perspective because that keeps us from becoming complacent and apathetic. An all male sex orgy is not offensive, but an inane, insipid, and trite conversation had by Snooki and her friends is.

What if you did show a penis or a breast? We have nudist cultures all over the world and the distinct difference between us and them is we have unhealthy body issues. We learn to be ashamed of our bodies. No one sits down with us and calmly, pleasantly says to us, "Son, your body is gross and disgusting and no one wants to see it. Keep yourself covered up," and that sounds bad enough but what we get instead is even worse. What happens in America when we see a breast is disgust and outrage: "Holy mother of god! I can't believe something so shameful could happen! It was wrong! It was obscene and wrong! Shame on you! This country is dire need of help!" Now, which do you think is more damaging to a child? The sight of a human breast? or people and your collective authority telling you to be ashamed of your disgusting breasts?

For all we know, it's probably perfectly healthy to see nakedness.  When did the first humans cover up anyway? Many cultures still don't and the problems with their societies don't come from their nudity! The FCC is not our mommy and daddy, stop messing with my TV and radio.

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