Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Men Can Hit Women

"Violence Against Women" is one of the most overused stupid rhetorics ever. It's usually preceded with "I don't believe in" or followed by "is wrong," As if violence against men is perfectly fine. Fuck you. I take the stance that Violence is wrong and fighting should only be used in self-defense. If you're ever in danger, put your own safety and the safety of loved ones first. It doesn't matter what the gender of your attacker is, that's sexist. Punch them in the temple, the eye, the jaw, whatever. Go for the throat if need be. No one has the right to harm you. Use self defense on anyone. I hope I don't have to spell out "reasonable force" to any detractors. I only point it out if there are people so unfamiliar with SELF-DEFENSE!

The only problem I see when it comes to men hitting women is weight class. Some women are small and some men are huge! It wouldn't be reasonable for for a 6'4" 250lbs man to deck a 5'0" 100lbs woman unless she had a gun or a knife, but otherwise, a few shots to the face are fair. If you don't believe a woman like that couldn't do serious damage, you're underestimating her; I would say that's sexist.

I hate that people are more passionate about women taking blows from men than about men taking blows from women. There's clearly some faulty connection in your brain. Is all violence wrong or are there forms of violence that are more wrong? Like skinning someone, that's pretty wrong. If a fistfight is wrong, why get more pissed at the man in a man vs woman fistfight than the woman? There's clearly a need to treat  PEOPLE differently based on GENDER. That's the definition of sexism. Thank you.

Violence against women is more wrong than violence against men because people are sexist assholes. Actually, I want you to hear yourself say "self-defense against female attackers is wrong."

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