Thursday, April 10, 2014

In Need of a Male Opinion?

Society is complicated. A particular conflict of mine is that I'm under the (miss?)conception that women really, really appreciate compliments; however, I almost never compliment anyone, ever, even if it'd be really easy because I don't know what is appropriate to say as well as how to say it and at what point in any type of relationship does what become acceptable or obsolete. For instance, when can you reassure a young woman that she, in spite of having a fat day when she didn't have enough time to do her hair and makeup and when a few extra errands left her feeling less than fresh, that she shouldn't worry, i.e., is still sexy or attractive, without giving her the idea that you are a creep and/or interested in dating? Also, if I tell a woman she looks good today, does that imply that she looks ugly on other days or that by good I mean GOOOOD wink wink nudge nudge? 

Sometimes, I have heard women chatting about how they feel about themselves and it felt like I could make someones day by telling her she looks good. Too bad I don't know how. Does that mean I have weird social disorders because I actually fear repercussions for complimenting people?! I mean, I know I'd be flattered if someone told me I look good; and in some ways, the less I know them the more it might mean because some friends don't see our flaws like we do and we mostly dismiss those friends because we know a. they're just looking out for out emotional well being and b. how qualified is our average friend to protect our  emotional well-being?

If I just walk up to a sad looking woman on the street and offer her a pretty flower and a reassuring smile that says "life's a bitch, hang in there, you can do it!" all in an attempt to brighten her day and nothing else, am I doing a  random act of kindness or am I scaring the shit out of her?! Will she slap me and begin venting all her pent up frustrations as a member of a discriminated social group or become infatuated with me even though oops I didn't mean it like that. I'm under the impression that all women just have the worst suspicions of men these days. Thanks for that irrational and crippling fear, modern feminism! You have surely reduced the reproduction of our species to rapist and stupid people.

Also, I never try to do or say anything assuring to men either because it would be sexist if I chose to make small differences in peoples days based on gender. Once again, thank you modern feminism. I could be the guy making big fucking differences with little things in this world if I weren't so scared of offending women or women thinking I'm a predator or a sexist. I can picture older, more experienced people laughing, finding my dilemma humorously charming. Fuck you, out with the advice, already! And help me do my taxes! Asses!

You know what? I'm not sure the central idea is obvious enough. I usually feel that people, dumb though they may be, are still smart enough to deduce my point or points when I write in a way that tries to credit their  intelligence while also trying to appeal to their sense of humor, and I do like to think of my ramblings as something so smart that you are supposed to think about it, but this time I'm not sure. Fuck the essay format.

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