Saturday, March 2, 2019

Madness at my local starbucks

I witnessed today in a star bucks a homeless man possibly insult a woman over some chairs. The woman's response escalated the inaudible exchange by her rapidly clearing a 3 to 5 foot space and putting her nose within literal inches from his and scream "if you disrespect me again, I'll have you killed" like a schitzo. Starbucks called security who had the homeless man removed. This woman threatened, in the hypothetocal, a human life and star bucks management sided with her, rather than asking both parties to be removed. What in God's fucking name is wrong with people? Calling someone a slur and refusing to share chairs is less immoral than a death threat. For the record, the supposed insult tossed was "slut" and moments later, this woman spoke loudly to a mixed room that she hadn't had sex in 18 months. This woman and her party seemed so hyped after security escorted the homeless man out saying "don't ever come back," that they used the chairs for less than a minute and instead stood around the table for less than ten and left. I feel sorry for the small boy who was with them because he'll likely have them as his primary influence and become an adult with poor judgement and questionable morals like the rest of the group. Within the group was a man who seemed much more well adjusted than I was who very calmly and politely though falaciously told the homeless man following the death threat that he should not disrespect a woman like that. I can't tell what part was most disturbing, but it was probably that this companion to the woman was very comfortable with this threat as seemingly were all parties involved . I don't recall how much he physically intervened because it happened so quickly, but I believe his positioning of himself around all parties was tactful. I think these people are ordinary people but they have a sort of mentality comparable to a Hollywood version of a crime family mixed with some Beverly Hills wannabes. I stood in line behind these very people as well and they paid a nine dollar order with a 100 dollar bill which is either something either ghetto people or criminal people do, and they took forever because they were chatting.
My questions are this: for the young man in this woman's party, do you condone hypitetical death threats? For the star bucks manager, did you miss the death threat and are you just doing your job? And for the woman, do you think this erratic behavior is acceptable? Additionally, I'd like to know what the people of the room would think if I were to discuss this incident with them.

I thought about this some more and it occurred to me that the man who stepped in could have been expertly defusing the conflict. He might be fully aware that the woman was in the wrong by threatening to kill a man over his poor manners, but his offensive and subtle intervention by taking her side while remaining courteous to the homeless man might have been a very pragmatic move. Safety should come before right or wrong. Deescalating the situation so that everyone could walk away is the best outcome reality can hope for. If this was intentional on the mans part, than he deserves some praise.

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