Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Brief Bad Review

I didn't play this game, I watched a let's play. This game looked really pretty. I can tell that the player was legitimately tense while playing it. I would like to actually play it and provide a complete review of the positives, because there are many, but since I haven't played it and I won't play it any time soon, I can't. I am however, dying to make some comments on what I didn't like.

1. Claire's Jacket
Did the developers forget to give Claire a 90's appropriate outfit? I don't recall many college girls in red leather jackets in 1996. Yes, this jacket was distracting to me. It's an oversight as well; a missed opportunity to remind the player that this game is set in the 90s.

2.  Chief Irons
This fucking game gave Chief Irons a pedo vibe. It was super creepy and you can tell the developers had regrets. The game included some forced dialogue to let the players know that Sherry wasn't in that kind of danger, but the entire part of the game with this crap was still very uncomfortable. The orphanage level sucked too. It was boring!

3. Reused Bosses
The developers got lazy or just didn't understand the concepts of a scenerio A and B. Why do Leon A and Claire B both fight two of the same Birkin tyrant fights? That's paradoxical and disappointing. Why can't you make these parallel timelines make sense? Why can't you give me the boss variety that I should have had? Birkin 1 sucked ass too! It was too long and too repetative. Both Leon A and Claire B fight the same Birkin in the underground Umbrella facility too. That fight gave way too much space to move around for a horror game. Confining, close quarters fights are scary. This was not scary because you could get the hell away and Brikin could get stuck on or blocked by the walls. Shame!

4. Ambient Music
I think the devs made a big mistake by not including actual, scary background music.

5. The Sewers
This version expanded on the sewers. Gross. That's gross, Capcom. Fuck you.

6. Aya's Deus ex Maxhina Gun
They Did such an amazing job on Annette Birkin and the only thing they gave to Aya to compete is a universal-solution-item. That's goddamn lame. It looks super cheap to solve Aya's conflicts with this gadget.

That's about it. I might have some complaints about a puzzle or something. The puzzles seemed lacking in this version.  There's a lot to praise though. A hell of a lot! I just don't feel like I can do so without playing the game.

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