Sunday, March 17, 2013

Award Shows are Stupid

First off, it's perfectly natural to want appreciation. That said, award ceremonies/shows are stupid. If your ability or credibility as an artist is somehow validated because of an award, that's bullshit. Good art is good art. Bad art is bad art. End of discussion. Popularity and awards are not merits but such is the politics of the Art World which is in dire need of some sense.

1) Competition.
The biggest problem with the award show is this: The works of art are not held to some criteria as much as they are compared to each other. Films for instance are only compared to the other films that were released in the same year. In that way, films do not win awards because they are necessarily any good, they win awards because they're better than the other films of that year. Imagine if one year all the films were bad. Total pieces of shit could win the same awards earned by actually great movies from previous years. To wit, an award is only as prestigious as the worst movie to earn said award.

2) Who judges and what's the criteria?
As I already explained in point number one, I think that this point is moot. Interestingly enough though, the understanding of the word moot is a misnomer. Moot actually means that something is open to discussion or debate. So really, I should say that this point redundant. Yes! No research!

3) Sensationalize.
Is the award ceremony an empty excuse to celebrate or are we celebrating the occasion of the award ceremony? The reason why such events are made into glamorous spectacles is most likely money. You make anything seem special enough, people buy into the illusion. If enough people buy into the illusion, you can put it on TV and it becomes an expensive commercial hour.

4) They're stuffy and boring even if people curse, flash the audience, make out with everyone else, or shit.

It's like in Kung Fu Panda when Po learned the secret ingredient of Secret Ingredient Soup. Some people think award shows are special. They're not. Art is amazing. The award ceremony is a shallow occasion to cash in on the success and popularity of art. People who create art for art sake and because they are passionate are special. People who create art for status, money, fame and appreciation are lame and disappointing.

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