Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our Ideas about Time Travel are Wrong and Suck

I love the Science Channel. On many occasions I have been treated to intellectually stimulating and satisfying programming. Thank you.

On more than one occasion, I have seen specials about quantum physics and theoretical physics. These specials are very titillating. Some of the theories however, are disappointing because they're based on our current, limited understanding of physics and the universe, and I think they rule out or neglect to consider a sufficient number of possibilities.

What do we know about time travel? Next to nothing. Let me repeat myself: We know next to nothing about time travel. So my question is, who the hell would make room in a special to discuss the Mad Scientist Theory, a theory addressing paradoxical time travel which says you can't go back in time and kill yourself. Can I make a contribution? Bull. Shit. Based on how little we know about time travel, how can you say the universe has laws in place which prevent or guard against paradoxes? Maybe the special just didn't allow for these theorists to show their work. I'm certainly not qualified to understand their work anyway, but I find it hard to believe that you with a Ph.D, can look into a camera and say "This science is absolutely correct." After all, science is about skepticism and the ideas are constantly changing.

If it is possible to travel back in time, than I say you can go back in time and kill yourself. By doing so, you become an anomaly. The universe around you changes. It alters to reflect a universe where you died. However, you still exist. Why should the universe make the distinction or the connection of these two versions of the same creature, the same collection of stardust and bio-machinery guided by a quantum computer? I say it would not. The universe doesn't hold this as a paradox. You can return to your present and look up your death records and see how everyone is getting along without you. Your problem now will be getting a new identity and starting over from scratch.

Also, Stephen Hawking has said: "If Time Travel is possible, where are all the tourists?" Good one. Don't you consider that maybe the tourists wouldn't advertise that they're tourists? Hawking also devised an experiment to disprove backwards time travel. Hold a party and extend an invitation to time travelers that will survive long enough for time travelers to read. If no one shows up to the party, however, this does not disprove time travel. You assume backwards time travel is convenient and unregulated. I'm sure there are practical or social restrictions in place to protect the time line and preserve history. You don't want to drastically alter this course of human history by spoiling the big mysteries. It is important for our society to face and overcome these trials ourselves. We must earn our place in the stars, you cannot give primitive cultures too much knowledge too soon.

How do you spot a time traveler? How do you know for sure, Dr. Hawking, that any one person in the thousands that come to see you, the expert on black holes of the 21st century, was not a citizen on the year 2700? Yours is a famous mind in our history. If backwards time travel is possible, they've come to visit you just to see what you're like or to say "I've met Stephen Hawking." Here's a tip to spotting time travelers: A sociology professor of mine postulates that in 500 years we will all have medium toned skinned, brown eyes and dark, wavy-curly hair.

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